Case Study: Class Action Help: Ensuring Your Clients Get Their Fair Share
Case Study
Enhancing Class Action Notice Delivery for Improved Participation
In many class action cases, potential plaintiffs are often unaware that they may have a valid claim and could be class participants. Even those who opt into class participation, whether represented by counsel or not, frequently remain uncertain about the necessary steps for engaging in the lawsuit and securing
any settlement proceeds. Typically, the class action notices sent to plaintiffs are lengthy and laden with complex legal jargon, which most recipients neither read nor comprehend. Additionally, reaching potential class members can be challenging due to difficulties in locating or contacting them through mail, telephone, email, or other means, even when they have legal representation.
Recently, in a high-profile national class action, we were tasked with locating and verifying the addresses of hundreds of plaintiffs to personally deliver the necessary documents for them to engage in the settlement process and claim compensation for their injuries. These documents included a detailed questionnaire about their injuries, which the plaintiffs were required to sign and return by a specified deadline. Despite being represented by counsel, many had either not received the mailings or had failed to return them. Missing the deadline meant forfeiting their claim to the settlement.
As a solution, our role extended beyond finding accurate addresses; we also hand-delivered the documents and assisted the plaintiffs in completing and returning them to their attorneys. Our agents across the country played a crucial role in ensuring that at least hundreds of plaintiffs had the chance to
participate in the settlement and receive compensation for their injuries. In one remarkable instance, we tracked a plaintiff to one of the most remote parts of the country, only to find that they were unreachable on a commercial boat in the middle of the ocean. Stories like this were common from the most isolated areas of the US.
We are immensely proud of our managers, client service representatives, and agents across the US who stepped up for this critical project. Our efforts provided our clients with a viable solution to a complex and time-sensitive challenge, making a significant difference in the lives of those injured and entitled to