Civil Action Group Can Be Your Document Retrieval Specialist
CAG can retrieve any kind of document IN ANY FORMAT from any location in the world in the most efficient, complete, organized and cost-effective manner.
- Your litigation efforts can benefit by using a dedicated document retrieval service for all of your evidentiary needs.
Consequences of Using Poor Document Retrieval Services
Law practices that don’t work with a trusted document retrieval partner are often plagued by:
- Additional Fees. Don’t pay for a service that doesn’t understand your specific needs.
- Increased Delays. Collecting documentary evidence is time consuming if you do not have the right processes resulting in an increase in delays in your cases.
- Unhappy Clients. Without efficient and effective document retrieval services, you are risking the best possible outcomes for your clients.
Benefits of Partnering With CAG
Receive these perks when you work with CAG
Proven Processes
Maximize your litigation efforts with refined document retrieval practices.
Free up time for you and your staff so that you can focus on more pressing matters.
Effective Communication
Rely on a personal connection with us to assist you during the entire medical records and/or document retrieval process.
Receive Proven and Effective Document Retrieval Services
Partner with CAG to retrieve any documentary or electronic evidence you need for your case. No matter the type of document or where it is located, our experts will locate the evidence and retrieve it for you.
Let us help reduce the amount of tasks on your plate so you can focus on what you do best: winning cases.

Three Steps to Success
Follow these three steps and you will save time and effort on cumbersome tasks, and be able to center more time towards coordinating with clients and winning your cases.
Submit Contact Form
Fill out the contact form and our expert team will process your request or respond with any questions, a quote, or other desired information.
Receive Ongoing Updates and Follow-Up
Obtain customized case status information regarding your service request via phone call, email, or electronically via a secure portal.
Get Back to Practicing Law
Enjoy the increased level of freedom you’ll have by delegating these time-consuming tasks to us and get back to focusing on more pressing matters.